1.) The process of breaking down rocks that are exposed to water, wind, ice, and growing plants is called ________________________.

A.) Erosion
B.) Deforestation
C.) Hail
D.) Weathering

2.) When soil is washed away during a storm it is called _____________

A.) Erosion
B.) Weathering
C.) Glaciers
D.) Deforestation

3.) When a mineral breaks apart and creates a jagged surface is a property that describes a __________________.

A.) Fracture
B.) Cleavage
C.) Spiky
D.) Crack

4.) When a mineral breaks apart and creates a smooth surface is a property known as ___________________.

A.) Fracture
B.) Cleavage
C.) Clean Cut
D.) Glassy

5.) Which term describes a rocks ability to reflect light?

A.) Shine
B.) Luster
C.) Refract
D.) Reflect

6.) The stars in the sky appear to be different during different times of night. This is because the ______________________.

A.) tilt of the axis
B.) the twinkle at different times
C.) the Earth rotating
D.) the reflection of light on the moon

7.) The Earth's axis is on a tilt, it does a complete rotation every 24 hours, and a complete revolution in approximately 364 days. All these factors contribute to our ___________________.

A.) Seasons
B.) position on Earth
C.) college fund
D.) cloudiness

8.) What produces its own light?

A.) moon
B.) star
C.) planets
D.) asteroids

9.) A system and other bodies that orbits a star is called a __________________________.

A.) Solar System
B.) Constellation
C.) revolution
D.) rotation

10.) When we can see only certain stars at certain time of the year is due to our Earth's ______________________ around the Sun.

A.) rotation
B.) revolution
C.) hemisphere
D.) axis

11.) Adam found a rock near a volcano. After observing it, he soon realized it was formed from molten rock. What would this type of rock be called?

A.) Magma
B.) Metamorphic
C.) Sedimentary
D.) Igneous