Spiral Assessment #1

*Make sure to put your answers into simplest form.

1.)  3 x 1/4 + 1/4 =  ____________________

A.)  4

B.) 1  1/2

C.)  1

D.)  3  3/4

2.)  3/6  +  4/12  =  ___________________

A.)  5/6

B.)  7/18

C.)  7/6

D.)  12/10

3.)  5/6 - 1/4 =  ______________________

A.)  7/12

B.)  4/2

C.)  3/4

D.)  6/10

4.)  18 - 15 3/4 = _______________________

A.)  3  1/4

B.)  3  3/4

C.)  2  1/4

D.)  2  3/4

5.)  5  2/5 + 7  2/5 =  _____________________

A.)  12  4/5

B.)  2

C.)  12  2/5

D.)  12  4/10

6.)  4  1/2  - 3  2/3 =  _____________________

A.)  5/6

B.)  1/6

C.)  4/6

D.)  1   1/3

7.)  1  1/4  -  1/3  is    ______________________

A.)  greater than 1

B.)  less than 1

8.) Use >,<, or = to fill in the blank below

5   1/2 +  1   3/7     ______________    6  +  13/14

A.)  >

B.)  <

C.)  =

D.)  Nutella

9.)  Chancelor wants to try the walk 25 miles in a week challenge.  On Monday, he walked 3.5 miles and 4.25 on Tuesday.  How many more miles does he need to walk to reach 25 for the week?

A.)  32.75

B.)  17  1/4

C.)  18.25

D.)  18  1/4

10).  Timothy bought 10 lbs of skittles for the class Halloween party.  When he briefly left his skittle pile to go to the restroom, Danny stuffed 2  2/3 lb in his mouth and accidentally got 1/6 lb stuck in his ear.  When Timmy returned, he noticed that some was missing and that Danny's cheeks looked like two oversized balloons.  How many pounds of skittles does Timothy have left?

A.)  2  5/6

B.)  7  1/6

C.)  12  3/9

D.)  7  5/6

Spiral Assessment #2

*Do your best.  We will go over these tomorrow and I will show you the steps if you don't understand.

1.)  A baker buys a 5 lb. bag of sugar.  She uses 1   2/3 lb to make some muffins and 2   3/4 to make a cake.  How much sugar does she have left?





2.)  A boxer needs to lose 3   1/2 kg. in a month to be able to compete as a flyweight.  In three weeks, he lowers his weight from 55.5 kg. to 53.8 kg.  How many kilograms must the boxer lose in the final week to be able to compete as a flyweight?





3.)  A construction company builds a new rail line from Town A to Town B.  They complete 1   1/4 miles in their first week of work and 1   2/3 miles in the second week.  If they still have 25   3/4 miles left to build, what is the distance from Town A to Town B?




4.)  A catering company needs 8.75 lb. of shrimp for a small party.  They buy 3   2/3 lb of jumbo shrimp, 2   5/8 lb. of medium-sized shrimp, and some mini-shrimp.  How many pounds of mini-shrimp do they buy?

Spiral Assessment #3

1.)  2 x 3/5 + 1/5 =   __________________

2.)  2 x 3/4 + 1/4 =  __________________

3.)  3/8 + 1/8 + 2/8 =  _________________

4.)  2/3 + 4/3 + 3/3 =  _________________

5.)  1/4 + 1/5 =  _____________________

6.)  Suga jogged 3/4 of a mile and then walked 1/6 mile to cool down.  How far did she travel?

7.)  1/2 - 1/7 =  __________________

8.)  Mrs. Sturman had 2/3 liter of salt water.  She used 1/5 of a liter for an experiment.  How much salt water does Mrs. Sturman have left?

9.)  1   1/3 - 5/6 =   _____________________

10.)  Tophia collected the honey from 3 of her beehives.  From the first hive she collected 2/3 gallon of honey.  The last two hives yielded 1/4 gallon each.  How many gallons of honey did she collect in all?


11.)  3  1/2   +  1  1/3  =  ____________________

12.)  3 1/2  -  1   1/3   =   ___________________

13.)  Fuzzy bought a sandwich for 5 1/2 dollars and a drink for $2.60.  If he paid with a $10 bill, how much money did he have left?  Explain your answer in dollars and cents.

14.)  Turn 3  1/3 into an improper fraction.

15.)  Turn 18/7 into a mixed fraction.

Spiral Assessment #4

1.)  1/2 + 3/5 =

2.)  1/3 - 1/4 =

3.)  2/3 - 1/2 =

Turn the following Mixed fractions into improper fractions (fractions greater than 1)

4.)  3   1/4 =

5.)  1   3/4 =

Turn the following into a Mixed Number

6.)  18/7 =

7.) 10/4 =

Complete the following word problems

8.)  Cameron baked a Nutella pie.  He ate 1/6 of the pie.  Mr. Manley ate 1/3 of it, and he gave the leftovers to his friends.  What fraction did he give to his friends?

9.)  Taylor bought 2/5 kg of cherries.  Janitza bought 1/10 kg of cherries less than Taylor.  How many kg of cherries did they buy altogether?

Challenge Question of the Day

10.)  D'zyon sold 3/4 gallon of lemonade.  Fink sold some too.  Together, they sold 1  5/12 gallons. Who sold more lemonade, D'zyon or Fink?  How much more?

Spiral Assessment #5

Add (Remember the denominator must stay the same: 1/6 + 3/6 = 4/6)

1.)   3/7 +  2/7  =

2.)  1/5 + 2/5 + 3/5 =

3.)  6/3 + 2/3 =

*Don't forget to find the common denominator before adding: 1/3 + 1/4 (the common denominator would be 12, so 1/3 would equal 4/12 and 1/4 would equal 3/12), therefore your answer would be 7/12.

4.)  2/5 + 3/10 =

5.)  3/5 + 3/7 =

6.)  5/7 + 1/2 =

Turn the fractions below into a Mixed Fraction.  For example, 5/3 = 1   2/3

7.) 15/4 =

8.)  13/2 =

9.)  6/5 =

10.)  10/3 =