1.) Which plants are NOT seed producing? Choose all that apply.

A.) Orange Trees
B.) Ferns
C.) Mosses
D.) Maple Trees

2.) Which part of the plant is responsible for producing food?

A.) Root
B.) Stem
C.) Leaf
D.) Trunk

3.) Which part of a plant holds the plant in place? It also absorbs water from the soil.

A.) Root
B.) Stem
C.) Leaf
D.) Trunk

4.) Which part of the human body is similar to a motor of a car?

A.) skin
B.) liver
C.) kidney
D.) heart

5.) The bark of a tree is similar to the ________________ of a human.

A.) skin
B.) liver
C.) kidney
D.) heart

6.) A plant can lean towards the Sun's light.

A.) True
B.) False

7.) When an environment changes, differences between individuals allow some plants and animals to survive and reproduce while others _____________________. Choose all that apply.

A.) either die or move to a new location
B.) adapt.
C.) hide
D.) hibernate
E.) grow a shell

8.) Which part of the plant transports nutrients and water throughout the plant?

A.) Roots
B.) leaves
C.) stem
D.) flower

9.) Which part of the body holds it upright?

A.) intestines
B.) heart
C.) brain
D.) bones

10.) What is the major difference between reptiles and amphibians?

A.) the have fur
B.) one breathes with lungs and the other gives live birth
C.) amphibians begin life with gills and grow lungs and reptiles begin life with lungs
D.) reptiles have scaly skin and amphibians have feathers

11.) Which living thing is not a vertebrate? Choose all that apply

A.) Cow
B.) Bird
C.) Black beetle in the city
D.) Snake
E.) Human
F.) Frog
G.) Lobster
H.) turtle