Welcome to the Rounding Decimals Page.

Rounding any number is easy.  All you need to remember is to underline the place value that is being rounded, draw an arrow to the number behind it, circle that number, and ask the number if it is 5 or higher.

If the number that you circled is five or higher, then the number you underlined will go up one digit.  The number that you circled, as well as all of the numbers behind it, will turn into zeros.  All numbers in front of the number that you underlined will stay the same (most of the time).

If the number that you circled in not five or higher, then the number that you underlined will stay the same digit.  The number that you circled, as well as all of the numbers behind it will turn into zeros.  All numbers in front of the number that you underlined will stay the same (most of the time).

See below for examples on how to properly round.


Round the following numbers to the nearest tenth.

1.) 67.865

2.) 4.565

3.) 7.789

4.) 876.112

Which numbers will round to 5.560 when rounded to the nearest hundredth.

A. 5.566

B. 5.563

C. 5.565

D. 5.571

E. 5.562

Round to the nearest hundredth.

6.) 432.355

7.) 1.454