Welcome to the Adding and Subtracting Decimals Page.
The most important thing when you add and subtract decimals is lining up the decimals. After you line up the decimals, you will complete the problem like you would normally complete an addition or subtraction problem. After the problem is complete, you will bring the decimal directly down into your final answer. An example of how to complete each is provided below.
Example #1 Adding Decimals
Step 1-Line up the decimals.

Step 2-Add, then bring the decimal straight down.
*Notice I placed a zero in the hundredths column. It is a good habit to get into so you realize there is nothing in that place value.

Example #2 Subtracting Decimals
Step 1-Line up the decimals.

Step 2-Subtract, then bring the decimals straight down.
*Notice I placed a zero in the hundredths column. That should remind you that you must borrow.

1.) 565.43 + 4.9 = _____________________
2.) 434.4 + 4.182 = _____________________
3.) 76.5 - 7.808 = ______________________
4.) 800.7 - 75.43 = ______________________
5.) 67.9 + .87 = __________________________
6.) 30.3 - .84 = ___________________________
7.) 3.405 - 1.33 = ____________________________
8.) 434.1 - 5.975 = _______________________
9.) 23.42 - 7.843 = _______________________
10.) 7.993 + 5.4 = ________________________
11.) 40.17 - 8.35 = ________________________